Tuesday, August 3, 2010

$7.00, Ten Cents at a Time

It's no secret that I have a semi-serious La Croix habit.  What is there not to love?  The fancy name (Karl and I pretend they are called "La-Kwa"), the tingly sparkles and the cool, thirst-quenching sensation one gets from chugging one.  Ahh.

Have you ever noticed that "MI 10¢" is printed on almost every single aluminum can.  When I was little, I used to be really jealous that there was not bottle deposit where I lived.  But now I live in Michigan and I can collect!

I might feel like a bag lady walking up to the recycling center but few joys rival that of collecting enough money to buy break-n-bake cookies and a half gallon of 2% milk simply from your bottle deposit return.

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